Friday, April 12, 2013

An Egyptian treat!

I think almost every town in Southern California has a farmers market, and I must say, I love it!

My husband Jordan and I try to go every week! We have our favorite fruit vendors, like the little Asian lady that always remembers us and throws in a couple extra fruits. The horchata stand we frequent because, I'm addicted! (That stuff is SO good!) The bread guy that always makes the same joke! And the many other delightful vendors. THIS week however, we discovered something new!

Kunafa!  (Pronounced, Kō-'na-fə/)

So there we are, cruising through the booths when our noses pull us toward something new!
"The Original Kō-'na-fə/", and a Ms. Diana Adams cheerfully asks us if we would like to try some Kunafa.

What is it?
"Kunafa is like the Middle East's version of a cheese danish", says Walid Nazzal on
Diana describes it as a shredded pastry covered in a sweet sauce with a cream center.

Well, we're sold and definitely not ones to pass up a free sample, so down the hatch it goes. And can I just say...YUM! It was crunchy and creamy, sweet and savory, rich and light, all at the same time! It comes with strawberries, or caramel, AND best of all, for each piece sold it comes with a donation to help feed hungry children! (I love these people!)

 Diana says, "Every little old Egyptian lady knows the recipe for Kunafa, but none of them will share it!" She only knows the "family secret" because she conned her mom into giving her the recipe, under the condition that she must never share it with anyone (Sounds like my mom and her fudge recipe)!

So of course we bought a piece...or two, (Who am I kidding, I don't share dessert!) grabbed a business card, asked about catering (YES, ladies and gentlemen, they cater! Seriously, call this lady for your next event! All your guests will be dieing to know where you found this stuff and how they can get more!), and went on our merry way.

Though not without telling everyone we met about Kunafa! I'm serious, everyone we met wanted some!

Visit Diana's website at to get the whole story about Diana and her desire to help hungry children one piece of Kunafa at a time...or to order yourself some of her delightful dessert!!!

Click here to find a farmer's market near you:

Thursday, January 31, 2013


I'm back...FINALLY! I'm pretty sure I don't have readers yet, I'm talking to myself, and no one actually missed my posts, but who cares! I'm back, and here's what I'm going to do.

I'm going to share with you a post from my other blog, Eat Healthy, Stay Fit, Die Anyway. I want to turn over a new leaf and I wrote about that over there. Therefore, "copy/paste"...

Eat Healthy, Stay Fit, Die Anyway!

I want to get in shape.
I don't want to be a super model, I don't want to be "skinny", I simply want to be the best "me" I can be.

That said, I'm having trouble getting there.

That's why I'm here. I started this blog, because I've found that by learning about how to be healthy and sharing with others what I learn, I can more easily do it myself...I've fallen off the wagon however. I haven't researched, posted, eaten healthy, or exercised on a regular basis, in months! I'm not ok with this!

I beg of you to help me, PLEASE!?! I need encouragement! I need companionship, competition, motivation and inspiration. So, what can you do for me?

Follow me. Be my accountability partner, so to speak. I'm going to post everyday (Probably more like every other) about how I'm doing. Good, bad or otherwise. I'm going to post my starting measurements and maybe even a "before" picture. *cringe* Then, together, we'll track the progress. I want your tips, thoughts, critiques, and criticism. (The truth can hurt yes, but please don't be mean however.) Give me new ideas for recipes, workouts, inspiring websites, etc. I'll share how I'm doing that day, and step by step I WILL get there!

I'd love it if you would join me too! Anyone who is in the same boat and wants to post your progress, I'd love to follow you in return!

So who's in?
Ok, that was the post on my other blog. Part of that leaf I'm flipping, is being more consistent. (Healthy eating, exercise, etc) That includes actually posting on my blogs on a regular basis. That's what I'm doing...and now I've posted on both today! (No, it's not cheating that I copied the post to both blogs, it pertains to both! SHUT UP!) BUT, if you insist, I will post a new tasty AND healthy recipe that I recently tried and LOVED!

Thanks for reading my babbles. Night.

P.S. The new recipe is under recipes, not here. K? Thanks. Bye!