Saturday, February 15, 2014

A belated holiday

Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays! Seasons Greetings! Happy New Year! Etc...

I know it's way past the holidays by this point, but life's been crazy. I'm sure you can relate.

I was baking away nonetheless, and I've discovered something...Practice really does make perfect!
I know this because as I was creating this holiday season I made several old favorites as well as attempting some new ones, and it felt strange when I realized that my hands seemed to be doing the work without my thinking about what I was doing.

My apple pie turned out better then ever! The crust? Flaky, and tender with a hint of cinnamon...and beautiful!

My two tiered attempt at a snowy wonderland cake, was just how I imagined it. Even, perfectly round layers, soft, rich buttercream and AMAZINGLY flavored inside! (Secret: I used essential oils inside. Lavender in a cake, YUM!)

There's something truly satisfying about having someone who has just eaten a piece of your latest creation, come to you open-mouthed and practically drooling, say, "Laceye, that cake was amazing! You should do this professionally!" Then I laugh because, I have done and do do this professionally.

It was a very nice holiday season, with lots of friends, delicious foods, and the BEST Christmas present a baker could ask for...

That's right, my 6 qt. Kitchenaid mixer! Thanks to my wonderful husband! Love you! Oh, and thanks to my in-laws as well for helping me "prettify" my mixer!

(For mixer decals, go to

How was your holiday season? What was your favorite treat? Make something you want to share with me? Please feel free to post, I love to hear from you!

Happy baking!

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